Adjusting Your Child’s Bedtime and Sleep Schedule for Back-To-School Oh, the lazy days of summer. Long stretches of daylight, lemonade, grilling, and pick-up games outside. If it could only last a little longer! As the season winds down, you may take a final ge...
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I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady, and in this video I’m going to answer Debbie’s question about her 11-month-old who wakes up at night. Here’s what she wrote in: My 11 month-old son knows how to go to sleep on his own although there are times when he refuses. Then ...
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Hi. I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady, and in this video I’m going to answer Sally’s question about an appropriate 13-month-old nap schedule for her child in daycare (nursery). Here’s what she wrote in: My daughter is 13 months-old and she started nursery three week...
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Summertime is prime time for some rest and relaxation with friends and family, and that sometimes involves traveling. What once sounded like music to your ears — travel for a vacation — now makes your palms sweat. You are concerned that all the gain...
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This article originally appeared in US News and World Report Time for a summer vacation? When you imagine traveling with small children does it feel daunting, even potentially miserable? It doesn’t have to be. You can travel in a way that’s restful for your kid...
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Hi! I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady, and in this video I’m going to answer Chloe’s question about her six-month-old. Here’s what she wrote in: “I have a six-month-old baby who has never been a good sleeper and it seems to be getting worse. She does have a late bed...
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I remember how clueless I felt when gearing up to feed my first baby. I was given all sorts of advice that made my head want to explode. Because I loved my baby so much, I wanted to give her the best. As a dietitian, I decided to dig into the research and have ...
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Hi! I’m Kim West, The Sleep Lady, and in today’s video I’m going to answer Sophia’s question about the Sleep Lady Shuffle. Here’s what she wrote in: “Hi Kim. I have a question for you. Our daughter, Eredine, is 8 1/2 months-old and we recently used a form of c...
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Being a new parent is a difficult, yet rewarding task for everyone in the house. While many moms may instinctively take charge from the moment of birth, new dads sometimes stand aside wondering what they can do to be involved. Armin Brott, author of “Ask Mr. Da...
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Screens and Sleep; Getting Toddlers to Bed in a Modern World Does your preschooler grab your smartphone and seem to make it do things you don’t even know how to do? Have you ever seen your toddler navigate a learning website with aplomb? It won’t be long before...
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